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and Modes of Navigation
1. Terms
 In the traffic
separation schemes, the following terms are defined in
conformity with the definitions of the same terms used
in the related laws and regulations.


(1) Terms
  An area where traffic separation zone or deep water is established.
(2) Traffic separation areas
  An area which separates opposing streams of traffic by the use of separation zone and traffic lane.
(3) Traffic lane
  An area within defined limits in which one-way traffic is established.
(4) Separation zone
  A zone separating the traffic lanes in which ships are proceeding in opposite directions.
(5) Deep water route
  A route with enough clearance of sea bottom to be used mainly by those ships with so deep draught that their safe passage is not feasible outside the route.


 The Traffic Separation Area illustrated
as below:

Traffic Separation
Deep Water Route


2. Mode of Navigation in Traffic Separation
Area and its Vicinities
proceeding a traffic separation area, vessels shall, in
principle, follow the rules as shown below : (The traffic
separation schemes in this text do not apply to the traffic
separation schemes referred to in Article 10 Paragraph
(a) of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions
at Sea.)


(1) A vessel using
a traffic separation scheme shall proceed in the
appropriate traffic lane in the general direction
of traffic flow designated for that lane.
(2) A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall so far as practicable keep clear of a separation zone.
(3) A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall normally join or leave a traffic lane at the termination of the lane, but when joining or leaving from the side shall do so at as small an angle to the general direction of traffic flow designated as practicable.
(4) A vessel shall avoid crossing traffic lanes. If she is obliged to do so, the vessel shall cross as nearly as practicable at right angle to the general direction of traffic flow designated for that lane.
(5) A vessel not using a traffic separation scheme shall avoid it by as wide a margin as is practicable.
(6) A vessel, other
than a crossing vessel, shall not normally enter
a separation zone except in case of emergency to
avoid immediate danger.
(7) A vessel navigating
in areas near the terminations of traffic separation
schemes shall do so with particular caution.
(8) A vessel requiring
no passage through a deep water route shall so far
as practicable keep clear of the deep water route.


Pages: 1 2 3 4 5

LastUpDate: 2025-Jan-31